Daughter Of Water

Kayla is an educator, a farmer, a seed-keeper, a folk herbalist, a creative, a circle keeper, and a lover of life.
She lives in the Northern Nevada, where the beauty of the high desert meets the Sierra Nevada mountains. Here, within an intimate but beautiful community, she grows foods, dye plants, makes medicine, and is a part of the collective re-membering of what it means to belong to the Earth.
As a Holistic Reproductive Health Practitioner in training, she offers transformative spaces centered on body literacy, fertility awareness, and reproductive sovereignty for women to come home to their own authority, knowing, and freedom.
She holds the understanding that women and the earth are the same, and her work is centered around the healing of both people and planet, through community circles, food and seed tending, medicine making, ceremony, and regenerative practices.
Find her offering classes, workshops, retreats, and council for folks to deepen in relationship to their bodies, the earth, and to the slowly forgotten ancestral arts.
This includes spaces for our young girls and parents to honor menarche and coming of age, and release work and council for those under-going pregnancy release/ abortion, as well as group deep dives and circle spaces.
She is a medicine maker of a small line of herbal medicines, plant-dyed adornments and crafts as well as baking old world breads alongside her partner Zach.
She is holding to the vision in these strange times on Earth, to become something life-giving and beautiful for our children’s children.

Qualifications + Influences
Female Health & Circle Work
-Justisse College Holistic Reproductive Health Practioner Program *current (2023-2025)
-Red Tent Facilitation Course with Threaded Red
-Sister Sanctuary Seed Keeper since 2020
-Sovereign Cycles Herbal Medicine Apprenticeship with Qiddist Ashe 2022
-The Womb Room 2022
-Coming Together and The Well Fucked Woman Courses through Kim Anami 2018
-FAM Fundamentals 2021
Slow Food Movement + Regenerative Agriculture
- Regenerative Farmer at Prema Farm for 2.5 years (Chilcoot, CA)
-Artisan Baking with Organic + Ancient Grains for Farmers Markets Beloved's Bread (Reno, NV)
-Seed Seva Course with Rowen White
-Gardener & Farmer Rosewater Ranch, 2021-now
Meditation + Self-Inquiry
-500 + Hours of Silent Meditation at Nilambe Meditation Center (Sri Lanka)
-Somatic Meditation 10-Week Intensive through Reggie Ray & Dharma Ocean
-Retreats & personal practice of 10 years
Body Work + Dance
-Level I, II, + III Thai Massage Certification through ITM (Chiang Mai, Thailand)
-Circus Instruction and Performance (Chiang Mai, Thailand)
-Tahoe Fire Dancers + Fire Conclave Burning Man
Vedic Sciences
-900-Hour Classical Yoga TTC through Shri Yogendraji’s Ashram (Bombay, India)
-200-Hour Yoga Alliance Hatha Yoga TTC through Sattva Sanctuary (Reno, NV)
-Pranyama & The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali 21-Day Intensive with Dr. Nagaraj (Mysore, India)
-Quality Control of India Registered Yoga Teacher and Yoga Alliance

Ali, Reno NV.
I absolutely adore your leadership style. Your softness and ability to gently lead others is absolutely amazing. You lead as a beacon. I never felt pressure from you in the same way I have felt from other role models and authoritative figures. You allowed me to show up to this space as my true self, even if it meant I was five minutes late at least once a week. Your gentle reminders were never critical of myself or a direct action of mine, but always reminders of principles we are aiming to live by...

Morgan, Reno NV
Without judgment we created a container of radical healing that allowed for life changing experiences to take place. I have gained so much knowledge and insight into a wonderful way of being and seeing that my perspectives have shifted. I built a solid foundation of devotion to myself, to spirit, and to serve with a open and loving heart. The work asks that we show up with honest vulnerability. Your edges will be found and pushed but when you look up after crying to a room full of the kindest warmhearted eyes and you know that you are safe and held there is nothing that can hold us back from living a connected existence

Thank you for having a profoundly positive impact on me here in Reno when I was feeling alone, confused, broken and questioning whether this was my place. thank you for reminding me there are beautiful souls here and instilling community into my here and now. Kayla thank you for fully showing up, every single day, for staying committed, and for going all in.
I felt really seen and heard by you Kayla, thank you for your one- on- one check ins and sweet gentle gestures of love & support, they were well received and impactful.